How to beat procrastination? Things that are working out for me.

Believe me, it looks difficult but it’s not!
Who wants to work, I don’t. But when I do, I love the feeling of fulfillment.
For the sake of that feeling — I want to get up and get going.
What holds you back is YOU — the very thoughtful version who loves to think a lot but do nothing. A one like ME.
I don’t want to face the screen in the morning, yes the screen of my work-station and even if I start my day, I avoid working on my well-planned task list.
Don’t know why? But primarily because I am kind of a lazy guy.
Always wish to be a hard-working individual and believe me, I can be impressed easily, if I found someone working hard, have no time for anything or anyone and his prime love is his WORK.
Realisation took time… your work just one part of your life and when I finally figured out that BALANCE is the essence of existence. Then, I have started working on my better self who is ready to fine-tune the system.
Following are 4 steps that I took to beat Procrastination!
(still work in progress)
1. Accept it.
This part is the difficult one and we tend not to accept that we are putting off things instead of accepting the reality, we tried to make all kind of justifications, priority changes and excuses but let’s face it and ACCEPT.
Your acceptance is the first step towards any change, you wish for.
So accept it as it is. Do not be a judge or competitor of your own. Instead be the witness of the change you wants to bring in.
2. Start your day with simple, easy task
Yes, I do read. Still trying out different methods, systems but sometime the best or the most loved system doesn’t fit you and you need to explore and settled on the one which suits your style and methodology.
For me, it is never ‘Eat the Frog’ and Eat the bigger one FIRST — Style. But yes I happen to try it and failed miserably.
For me, it is all about starting resistance… so I have started implementing an idea of chunking bigger tasks or projects into small and easy tasks which required least time, effort and focus. And It’s WORKING!
3. Get in the FLOW
Yes, it is all about FLOW — I like this word. For me the meaning is — moving with least or no resistance… No interruption of any additional ideas or thoughts to break your Flow.
When I start my day with the small and easier tasks, I have observed that it is easy to move to the key tasks of the day which requires your complete focus, full energy and lots of time…because you are already in the state of FLOW and you have overcome your starting resistance.
4. Enjoy your little wins
Not everyday is the best day of our life. Isn’t it?
But surely, we can accomplish a little everyday. We need to learn to celebrate this little wins and should make it a ritual, a habit. Celebrating the little wins is motivational and is working for me and it makes it easy to start the next day without procrastination.
In a nutshell:
ACCEPT that you need to work on yourself.
START your day with small, easy task.
Get into the FLOW
Enjoy your little win and CELEBRATE
You can’t win the fight against the one who resides inside YOU.
Thank you for reading.
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